NEWS: Moving out
One month on and everyone in politics, on TV and in the media has stopped talking endlessly about the European referendum. Thank goodness for that!
Unfortunately, they’re now talking endlessly about Brexit — and chances are they won’t stop talking about it for the next five years. Because as new PM Theresa May made clear just as she was about to move into her new home, Number 10 Downing Street, “Brexit means Brexit — and we’re going to make a success of it!” Which is a much better message to send than, “Brexit means Brexit — and we’re going to make a hash of it!”
In the main, landlords seem to be sanguine about the EU result. For one thing, as the Sunday Times pointed out, it may mean fewer rules with a “potential question mark over, for example, the EU ban on letting homes with poor energy efficiency, due to start in 2018.” It’s not yet clear what will happen to Brits who own properties abroad, mind you — and depending on which newspaper you read, house prices are either tumbling or rising, post-referendum. Either way, buckle up, property watchers. This Brexit thing could be quite an interesting ride…